Concept Art Career as a Filipino Creative

Concept art has gained massive importance as Philippine animation studios produce more original shows and films for global audiences. Concept artists help define the visual world—the look and feel of characters, environments, and vehicles—through stylized illustrations painted digitally. As streaming services like Netflix invest more in local animation, Filipino creatives have a lot of opportunities to build exciting careers in this niche.

Getting Started with Concept Art

Most artists pursuing concept art start with a foundation in drawing, digital art, design, or animation through a vocational school, art institute, or degree program. Developing a solid illustration approach and technical skills is key before specializing in concept art. Some recommended schools in the Philippines that offer relevant training are:

  • iAcademy
  • Digital Arts College of the Philippines (DigiTech)
  • College of Fine Arts University of the Philippines (CFAD-UP)
  • De La Salle—College of Saint Benilde School of Design and Arts (DLS CSB SDA)
  • Mulave Studios Academy

Beyond fundamentals, the next step is curating a standout concept art portfolio showassing your unique style and range across character designs, environments, vehicles and props. You can take inspiration from Philippine mythology, literature, cultural themes, history, and the diverse landscape of the islands. Both digital and traditional mediums are valued. As a junior artist, you’ll likely start by freelancing for small animation projects to build experience and portfolio pieces.

Growing Your Skills

Professional concept artists never stop improving their craft. Experts recommend thoroughly studying the fundamentals of:

  • Composition
  • Perspective
  • Lighting
  • Color theory
  • Anatomy

Taking online classes on platforms like Schoolism can supplement a formal education.

To understand workflow, start interning or take entry-level jobs under experienced Art Directors at animation studios like Top Draw Animation in Manila. Observe how they collaborate with the creative team, from briefs to exploring ideas iteratively. As a junior concept artist, you’ll generally start with sketching, then move to refine the characters and settings the directors envision.

Wrap up

Polish communication skills to work seamlessly with Art Directors. Learn when to stick to visual guidelines versus injecting original ideas. Concept art needs consistency yet fresh takes. Streamline your process to deliver quality work quickly. Know when to evolve your style so clients value your versatility.

As your portfolio gets competitive, create an online presence with a personal site, Instagram, and Behance profile. Attend animation events to network and get feedback. With mastery and relationships, you’ll be ready to leap to pitch yourself as a freelance concept artist for TV, film, and gaming projects internationally. In an exciting growth phase for Philippine animation, opportunities for driven concept artists to unleash their creativity are abundant.

Start Your Concept Art Journey and Career

As a leading art and animation academy in the Philippines, Mulave Studios offers customized concept art training programs for aspiring professionals.

We can craft specialty courses based on your experience levels and interests that cover:

  • Digital Painting
  • Character & Creature Design
  • Scene Illustration
  • Stylized Environments
  • Storyboarding
  • Portfolio Building

Ready to receive personalized mentorship and studio-level instruction to level up your concept art skills? Contact Mulave Studios today to discuss how we can design a custom concept art training program that matches your goals. With the expertise of our trainer, you’ll be on the fast track to launching an exciting and rewarding career!

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